Return to Work Guide | Nail Professionals
Returning to work after lock can be a daunting and confusing time so we have put together a guide to help provide a little bit of clarity during these uncertain times.
Our guide summarises the Government Guidelines for Close Contact Services in England (first published on 3rd July 2020). We also references important reading and links for the other nations in the UK & for the Republic of Ireland.
Our Return to Work Guide includes further reading, important websites and other helpful information to help you make informed decisions about returning to work. You can find the full guide below or by clicking here.
As the situation is ever changing, it is important that you check your locally issued guidance for the most up to date information. We endevour to update our guidelines with any crucial changes in regulations in reasonable.
The link to our guide will remain the same but the 'version' number will be updated with each change. This guide is advisory only, except for when it explicitly states it is Government issued advice or regulations.
The origional date of this Advisory Guide for Nail Professionals Returning to Work was first published 6th July 2020.